Sunday 3 October 2010

3rd October, 10 Sun. sunny

Today, Dad, Mum, my brother and I went to church by taxi.  I had Awana games.  The teacher gave me six candies because I was cooperative even though my team did not win.  Then, we went to the Bridal Tea House for lunch.  We had buffet lunch there.  There were some rice, potato chips, sausages, corns, waffles, pudding, etc.  They was delicious.  Then, my parents attended a prayer group, my brother and I played football.  We played for one and a half hour.  When I got home, I studied Chinese, English and Maths.  After that, I read a book.  It was about Lego Star Wars.  I like the Belbullab-22 Starfighter best.  I felt quite happy today.





Anonymous said...

Isn't it great that you have had four happy days in a row?

It sounds that you have read lots of books! Keep it up!

Auntie Queenie said...

How can you have energy to do so many things!!!